Construction & Development

Construction Measures at the Spreepark

The main construction work for the new Spreepark is in full swing. The central areas will be realised by 2026.

As the first milestone of the new Spreepark, the Eierhäuschen was reopened at the end of 2023 after extensive refurbishment in keeping with its listed status. As a catering and art location, the historic building houses a restaurant with a summer garden as well as exhibition and residency spaces for artists in the Spreepark Art Space. As part of the innovative mobility concept for the Spreepark, the area can be reached via the jetty, which will be completed in 2023.

The English Village has already been dismantled and is being rebuilt as an innovative event location in a timber construction that is as unusual as it is sustainable. The famous cup carousel has also been dismantled and stored - at the former main entrance to the Spreepark, the colourful cups will become a style-defining element of the future meadow landscape. The former factory building was already partially dismantled in 2020 and is currently being renovated. In future, it will serve as the new main entrance and event hall. In summer 2024, work will begin on the new water basin, where the spectacular supporting structure of the Ferris wheel will then be realised. With the dismantling of the Ferris wheel already completed for the refurbishment and transformation by 2026, the landmark of the Spreepark has also been successfully secured.

Since taking over the Spreepark in 2016, Grün Berlin has already implemented a large number of individual measures in and around the Spreepark. These range from the necessary remediation of contaminated sites to media development work such as the laying of gas, electricity, drinking water and telecommunications lines as well as the construction and renewal of pathways such as the Pioneer Path or the waterway for pedestrians and cyclists to the successfully completed refurbishment of relics from the old Spreepark days such as the Mero-Halle.

Construction measures


Repair work on the Merohalle

The approx. 1,800 square metre Merohalle was built in 1969 using the innovative MERO tubular steel frame system. Over the years, the 20 steel supports have rusted, jeopardising the load-bearing capacity of the structure. In order to reduce the load, the roof and the remains of the old heating and ventilation system will first be dismantled. The supports will then be reinforced and given a coat of paint to protect them from corrosion in future. In the Spreepark of the future, the Merohalle will serve as an event venue and open-air gallery.

Besucher*innengruppe vor der alten Mero-Halle

Mero-Halle im Spreepark © Frank Sperling


Refurbishment and sustainable transformation of the Ferris wheel

The Spreepark's landmark will be spinning again! The renovation and sustainable transformation of the historic Ferris wheel, which will once again transport visitors to lofty heights, began with its dismantling.

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Abbau des Riesenrads im Spreepark

© Frank Sperling


Development work for the Spreepark

The media development for the Spreepark and the Eierhäuschen will lay the foundation for future operations. The work is expected to be completed in September 2021.

Bauarbeiten am sog. Wasserweg

© Frank Sperling


Partial dismantling of the factory building

The masterplan for the new Spreepark envisages a main entrance directly at the Eierhäuschen. To create space for this, the dilapidated old head building of the factory building was demolished.

Teilabriss der Werkhalle im Spreepark

© Grün Berlin


Start of the renovation of the Eierhäuschen

The listed Eierhäuschen will be renovated by the end of 2022. The first partial opening will take place as part of a preview event at the end of 2022, with regular operation starting for the main season in 2023.

Seitenansicht des Eierhäuschens im Spreepark Berlin

© Konstantin Börner


Arsenic damage remediation

In close coordination with the Treptow-Köpenick district office, a hotspot remediation was carried out with soil replacement and accompanying groundwater monitoring.

Boden im Spreepark Berlin

© Konstantin Börner

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